The Law of God

The Law of God

Who gave us the Law? Colquhoun’s first chapter teaches us how the Law serves as a Covenant of Works that binds us to God, the Lawgiver.
The Grace of the Law

The Grace of the Law

The believer and unbeliever have differing relationships with the law. Understand how the Covenant of Grace informs the Christian’s view of the law in Colquhoun’s second chapter.
The Law of Moses

The Law of Moses

Have you considered that the Ten Commandments come in the context of grace? In his third chapter, Colquhoun introduces this key principle to reconcile the wrath and grace that God demonstrated when he gave the Law to Israel.
The Glory of the Law

The Glory of the Law

What are the attributes of God’s moral law? Colquhoun lists seven reasons to rejoice in God’s Law and obey it with willing hearts.
The Heart of the Law

The Heart of the Law

We need to meditate on the full meaning of each of God’s commandments. To help us in this, Colquhoun’s fourth chapter gives us several rules for rightly interpreting the Law.